Welcome to Melonbooks!
We are the biggest Doujinshi retailer and are happy to offer you ultimate experience of Japanese pop culture such as: Manga, Anime and Doujinshi!
Tax-free shopping is available at the following stores.
Click here to check opening hours!
*Tax refunds are only available during the hours when storefront staffs are present
In order to enjoy online shopping, click here for a guidance!

Store List
〒101-0021 東京都千代田区外神田1-10-5 廣瀬ビルB1F
〒101-0021 東京都千代田区外神田1-3-7 鈴木ビルB1F/1F
〒171-0022 東京都豊島区南池袋1-23-6 KDGビルB1F
〒160-0023 東京都新宿区西新宿1-4-5 西新宿オークビル4F
〒144-0051 東京都大田区西蒲田8-4-12 ユザワヤビル2F
〒192-0085 東京都八王子市中町1-3 ドンキホーテ八王子駅前店B1F
〒190-0023 東京都立川市柴崎町3-7-17 N2ビル5F
〒220-0005 神奈川県横浜市西区南幸2-16-20 オーチュー横浜ビル5F/6F
〒330-0854 埼玉県さいたま市大宮区桜木町1-132 第二高井ビル2F
〒260-0015 千葉県千葉市中央区富士見2-16-4 三社プラザ501
〒310-0015 茨城県水戸市宮町1-2-4 マイムビルB1F
〒320-0803 栃木県宇都宮市曲師町2-8 宇都宮フェスタB1
〒370-0832 群馬県高崎市砂賀町84
How to get a tax refund

1. Enjoy Shopping

2. Show your passport to a cashier when you make a payment
*Required minimum purchase for a tax refund is 5000JPY(tax excluded)

3. Get your tax back!
Store/Shop listed in the website are available for tax exemption
For confirmation, please check the Tax-free sign at the store or check with the store employee. -
A.From 5,000 yen and over(tax excluded).
Unfortunately, not all of our shops are available for tax exemption.
Also unmanned stores and during umanned business hours, tax exemption service is not available. -
Only the person himself/herself can apply. -
A.Yes, if your purchase is 5,000 yen and over(tax excluded),
you can apply for tax exemption upon using ""さくっと注文(Quick Order/Store Order)"". -
A.Not all of the products are duty free.
For more details, please check with the store employee